Life success tips
Tips to getting more success
Here are some sure fire ways to improve your success in any aspect of your life.
- Work on yourself, take steps to improve and commit to great results
- Define what you want as success.
- Fix your weaknesses
- Set goals in your own words
- Have a mission statement
- Have a life balance.
- Correct a misbalance. Focus on more areas of weakness, do less on your strong points.
- Are you happy? If not, become aware why.
- Pick a theme year and remind yourself of the goal
- Have Specialist coaches to improve in specific areas.
- Keep a Joy journal. It fills you with achievement and desire to keep going and achieving. It reminds you of all the good you are doing too.
- Share success or reward yourself
- Don’t smash yourself over any broken dreams. Work on healing past wounds. Letting go of past bitterness will allow you to manage your present success better.
- Celebrate milestones
- Mediation. Try it for yourself. It can bring greater mental power and ability to make better decisions.
- Engage the Success formula = activity * attitude * knowledge. Take an area you wish to improve and put in more activity, better attitude and gain more expertise in it. See if you get better results. Usually where you spend least time gets least results.
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